The US of A calling.
Igår kväll runt 1 tiden ringer min telefon. Konversation lät ungefär såhär;
- Hallå?
- Heeeey guurl. How you doin'?
- What? Who is this?
- (ohörbart)
- Who are you?
- Haha, guuurl, stop messin' around, it's me!
- Who?
- Philip!
- I don't know you!
- Come on guuurl, it's me, we've gone out a couple of times. Stop foolin' around.
- Philip. Who do you think I am?
- Vicky ofcourse.
- No, I'm not Vicky. My name is Mia, from Sweden.
- WHAAAAAAAT? Sweden? You gotta be kiddin' me guuurl!
- No, I'm not!
- Well, I thought the number looked funny. So, Sweden huh?
- Yeah.
- So what are you up to?
- I'm trying to sleep, then you called!
- Noooow? I just got out of bed! oooh, yeah. You were in Sweden. Oh, is this expensive!?
- Yeah. Of course it is! Look, I hope you find your Vicky. It was nice talking to you.
- Haha, you to guuurl. Take care.
/Kid - somnade som en stock igår - äntligen.
Postat av: Naninani
Haha! :D Underbart. varför händer såna skumma grejer alltid dig?